Ranked #56 on the Top 100 Free iPhone Apps List as of July 18th For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad Talk about a giant upgrade!
The popular Textfree app is now a Pinger, meaning it has now become even easier to talk or text to anyone in any location for free. With this new upgrade you’ll be able to hold on to your calling minutes and your coveted phone number as well as take advantage of all the new exciting features. The upgrade will offer users the ability to personalize their voicemail; more reliable and faster service; the ability to sync Facebook contact photos; and one single view for voicemails, calls and texts.
It is now available for more countries and is more user-friendly, too. The one-view feature might be the most exciting addition, as it certainly does simplify the process. There is no need to open all kinds of apps just to create a text or make a phone call. The photo-based interface allows each of your friend’s messages to show up in one screen. These “messages” include text, pictures, and voice. As mentioned, over 100 new countries have been added, which means you can call and text a whole lot more places, all for free.
This app is fantastic for travelling, as it works in reverse as well, allowing you to call/text from those places to reach your loved ones at home without worrying about the cost.Textfree is now Pinger App Review A neat little feature is the ability to see when your texts have been read. You won’t need to sit around wondering if your text did indeed go through because now you’ll know when it’s been opened. Pinger includes a real phone number that you can make use of when calling and texting all those other real numbers in the U.S. Incoming calls are free and texting is unlimited. For outbound calling you are able to buy minutes or you can earn free minutes. There are so many advantages to Pinger. Thanks to its ease of use it’s no wonder this app is as popular as it is.
